Fascia-Blasting TherapyWHAT IS FASCIA-BLASTING?
Fascia blasting is a term that coincides with the use of a FasciaBlaster, a tool created by best-selling author and fascia pioneer, Ashley Black. The FasciaBlaster is a plastic wand with claw-like attachments used to rub over target areas. Black, who spent 12 years treating pro athletes, including Brett Favre and Derek Jeter, was originally interested in muscle recovery. While working with foam-rolling, also known as self-myofascial release, she developed the FaciaBlaster to help break up adhesions by digging deeper into tissue. Evidence of cellulite reduction with the use of the FasciaBlaster started to emerge as a byproduct of the treatment and use of this massage wand exploded in the beauty and weight-loss industry. BENEFITS OF FASCIA-BLASTING: * Break up fascial adhesions/scar tissue * Release fascial tightness * Improve structural/myofascial issues * Increase circulation * Increase access to muscle power and improve muscle definition * Reduce pain and inflammation * Improve cellulite appearance and fat pockets |